Thursday, September 13, 2018

Download SecondWife for Android Free

Download SecondWife for Android Free

SecondWife is an app aimed at polygamous Muslim men looking for a second wife. You'll be able to find new women to expand your family from Android 

App Information

App: SecondWife for Android

Version: Updated

Size: 17.9 MB

This is app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

SecondWife for Android

SecondWife Mybb is an application that, just as it name says, helps you to search for a second wife. It's obviously aimed at people that practice Islam, whose religion and ethics allow them to have more than one wife and are, therefore, polygamists. On the other hand, it's also interesting for those women who wouldn't mind being the second wife of somebody. The truth is that the application isn't that extraordinary development-wise, it's simply an iframe that embeds a web page, in this case, the webapp of this dating site. Pro tip: don't hit the back button whilst you're signing up. Otherwise, the screen will freeze and you'll have to start all over again. Many functions have to paid for, but you can survive with a free account. Like on all social networks, we'll need to create an account to be able to use the application. Signing up isn't too complicated (you'll just need to fill in about 30 fields), taking us about five or ten minutes. The first thing we'll see once we've completed our registry is a desktop with several icons, including a Search button that will use to find a wife or husband (if you want to be someone's second wife). Becoming a polygamist is very easy with SecondWife The major drawback about this application is that many of its functions require a payment. For instance, to view someone's profile we'll have to pay or complete our own profile to the maximum extent. If not, we won't be able to see any other profiles. One the other hand, we can also have private images (we can choose which ones are private and which aren't when we upload them). If anybody else wants to see them, they'll have to send us a request, and we'll be able to accept individually each one of the petitions made. The best aspect is its verified users: we can upload an image with a number code (indicated by the application) and with the latter we'll be able to enable a badge that other users can see to prove that we really exist and we're not just using images found on the Internet.  

The best matcher for Muslims looking for a second wife 

Size: 17.9 MB | OS: Android  | Status: FREE 

Download SecondWife for Android here

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